What exactly is FIFTYTWO CINCY?
FIFTYTWO CINCY is a travel and lifestyle guide created to showcase life in Cincinnati and the surrounding region, as well as provide a platform for creators to share what they love most about the place they call home.
So what’s with the whole ‘52’ thing?
Cincinnati is a city rich in numerical symbolism. 7 hills, 513 area code, and 52 neighborhoods. Think about that - 52 neighborhoods all with unique stories, prized traditions, and culture; each akin to a distinct playing card in a deck, forming the vibrant place we know as the Queen City.
And FIFTYTWO CINCY’s mission is to help you play those cards right.
While we strive to highlight these neighborhoods, we also want to showcase the many towns that make up the greater Cincinnati area, as they also play a unique part in the city’s story.
What are all those colorful squares?
Each neighborhood in Cincinnati has its own unique flag created using research and resident feedback. Drew didn't know this either, but how cool is that?
How is this different from other Cincinnati travel blogs?
We aim to paint a picture of what Cincinnati is like by exploring the city ourselves. We showcase its incredible history, stunning architecture, approachable culture, and proud local business owners through in-depth write-ups and professional photography, all while blending the perspectives of a local and newcomer.
Is there any way I can contribute?
We are always open to working with passionate creators in the Cincinnati area. If you have a story you would like to contribute, please reach out through the website’s contact form or by emailing us directly at contact@fiftytwocincy.com